statistical dependence

英 [stəˈtɪstɪkl dɪˈpendəns] 美 [stəˈtɪstɪkl dɪˈpendəns]

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  1. On a statistical average there is a strong dependence of the scintillation on the time of the day.
  2. MCN shows a higher overall degree of statistical independence and more statistical dependence among motor areas with the gradual recovery.
  3. The statistical language is proven to be suitable to describe the inhomogeneous periodic states, because of its sensitive dependence on the initial conditions.
  4. Statistical analysis of citations in Chinese Journal of drug dependence
  5. Adap-tive algorithm of speech detection based on statistical classification is presented to reduce the dependence of the train-ing data.
  6. ACM statistical rate theory is summarized and applied to the reaction of neopentyl radicals with molecular oxygen. The theoretical curve of temperature dependence of the reaction rate is very good agreement with the experimental points.
  7. A Statistical Study of the Correlation-Richness Dependence of Abell Clusters
  8. The Statistical Dependence between Primary Sequence and Secondary Structure of Protein
  9. A Revised Method to Measure Statistical Dependence Between Two Time Series
  10. In the statistical theory of superlattices in binary alloys, the dependence of the interaction energy upon atomic arrangements is taken into account by regarding the interaction energy in Bethe's theory as an average quantity depending on the degree of order and the composition of the alloy.
  11. Statistical Theory of Stable and Meta-stable Transition for Crystallization and Fusion of Homopolymers ⅵ Statistical Dynamics of Polymeric Crystallization by Molecular Segregation& Dependence of Crystal Growth Rate on the Grown Mechanism and Concentration
  12. Basing on the Fermi statistical distribution of electron and hole in semiconductor silicon, the dependence of the transmittance of silicon under CO2 laser irradiation on temperature has been calculated, furthermore theoretical results were proved by experimental data.
  13. The article first develops a simple statistical link model which describes congestion occurring in spanning trees and then introduces a dependency-degree factor which expresses the dependence between adjacent links.
  14. Based on the observed data of the lateral uplift of section No. 32 of F dam in North-East China, this paper has found out the statistical model factors of uplift using physical inference and statistical dependence methods.
  15. With the aid of modeling a long optical fiber with ( 1 000) cascaded small fiber segments, the statistical dependence existed between the first-and the second-order polarization mode dispersion ( PMD) vector was numerically simulated.
  16. Then the paper demonstrates the clustering phenomenon and the characteristics of clusters, the statistical properties of amplitudes of multipath components, the frequency dependence of the channel parameters, and the distortion of pulse signals during their propagations in pulse channels in detail.
  17. By the statistical analysis of test results, the temperature dependence of insulation characteristics of transformer oil at low temperatures was investigated.
  18. Although the EMH implies that all information is reflected in the present price of the stock and past stock performance gives no information, some statistical studies of stock prices have indicated the dependence on past date.
  19. Using sequence statistical data related to construction model, to our country commissariat trade dependence, domestic and international market relevance indicators such as empirical analysis.
  20. A wavelet domain hidden Markov tree ( HMT) model is constructed to model statistical dependence and nonGaussian statistics of wavelet coefficient. The estimate of HMT model parameters can be obtained by EM algorithm.
  21. Based on the assumption that the source signals are independent between each other, ICA can minimize the statistical dependence between components. And then the estimated signals are extracted from mixed signals.
  22. Regression analysis is the most popular method be used in the all of the meth-ods of multiple statistical analysis. It is a mathematical statistical method to deal with the dependence of the plentiful variables.
  23. Then combining analysis of El Macroscopic Topology and Characteristic of Statistical Time, a self-similar and long-range dependence property of network flow is demonstrated.
  24. In spatial statistical analysis, to take the contact of cities as binary adjacency matrix, I analyze the global spatial autocorrelation and local spatial autocorrelation for regional economy of Jiangsu province. The conclusion is there is obvious spatial agglomeration and spatial dependence.